Tuesday, July 5, 2011

This Blog isn't for you. It is for me.

I have never written a blog before, and honestly I never saw the point.  I have had a change of heart.

On February 28, 2011, my mom died of uterine cancer which spread to the brain.  I am using this blog to reflect upon my experiences that I keep flashing back to throughout the day.  Her husband, my sister, and myself along with hospice nurses, took care of her from December 26, 2010 until the day she died.  In those 2 months, I put aside all of my fears and did what needed to be done.

In this blog, advice is not needed or wanted.  In this blog, I am simply getting out what I need to get out.  Comments are appreciated, but not needed.  I am putting this on a blog because I want my friends and family to understand that who I was before this experience is no longer here.  I visited a grief counselor for 2 sessions, and after the 2nd session, she told me that I didn't need to go back anymore.  This blog will also help me get things out at the time those emotions are happening.

I have had friends, family members, and co-workers who have had experienced a loss similar to mine.  No situation is the same.  I would never know what to say.  I didn't understand what they were feeling.  I would try and imagine what they were feeling, and I could never get there and REALLY understand.  To my friends that are doing their best to understand but may not, I am glad that you don't understand.  My heart is broken. I want to see my mom.  And I can't.

You may not agree with anything  I say, and that is fine.  This blog isn't for you.  It is for me.  :)


  1. You are right, no situation is the same. But I am glad to see that even with the struggles of day to day you are trying to re-find you. Not the you of days gone by, but the you of now.

    I'm very proud of you Jacquie, and I'm also very glad to call you a friend.
