Monday, July 18, 2011

So I went to the doctor's office. . .

I had to go to the doctor today for a check-up because of my right kidney issue and I have been on Zoloft to deal with my mom's cancer and death.  Also, being on Zoloft really helped take care of her better.  I was able to deal with a lot of things that would normally make me freak out.  I sat down in the waiting room, and I noticed this old woman walking in very slowly with a younger woman helping her through to sit down.  I do not think it was her daughter because the young woman kept calling her "Shirley".  I watched (without being creepy about it)  how she was helping Shirley into the waiting area and helping her sit down.  Then, an older man came in, and I am assuming it was Shirley's husband.  Shirley kept trying to get up and these 2 were trying to distract her with Redbook magazine so she would stay in her seat.  Shirley reached over and hugged her husband, and then they were all called back.  I watched Shirley hug the medical assistant, and then the door closed.  It was the sweetest thing I've ever seen.  It gave me a flashback of when Bob would help my mom to the bathroom or help her to stand when she was able to stand on her own.  I remembered when she came back home after spending a few days at the hospice center. . . and she wanted to walk to her room and I think it took 2 people to help her walk there.  I remember helping Bob transfer Mom to the other bedroom where the hospital bed was.  It's strange how these things hit me now.  When I used to see this, I wouldn't think twice.  Now, it could bring a tear to my eye.  Shirley was dressed really cute for an old lady.  lol  She had on a black pencil skirt with a pink t-shirt and black flip flops.  I wonder what my mom would have been like at that age.

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